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Hua Liao


Phone No.
hliao (at), liaohua5 (at)
School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, 5 South Zhongguagcun Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100081, China
Zip Code
Ph.D. & Professor, Vice-Director
Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research (CEEP), (see
Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT).
Welcome the international students apply for the Master/Doctor programs (including the Chinese Government Scholarship programs).
- Jul. 2014- , Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)
- Jul. 2011- Jun. 2014, Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)
- Nov. 2013- Dec. 2013, Visiting Scholar, Australia National University (ANU)
- Feb.-Apr. 2011, Visiting Scholar, The East-West Center (EWC), the United States.
- Feb. 2010- Jun. 2011, Assistant Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)
- Jul. 2008-Jan. 2010, Assistant Professor, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS)
- Jun. 2008, Ph.D. in Management Sciences (multi-discipline), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
- Mar. 2005. M.S. in Management Sciences, School of Management, Tianjin University, China
- Jun. 2002. B.S. in Management Engineering, School of Management, Tianjin University, China
- Jun. 2002. B.S. in Mechanical and Electronical Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, China
Research Interests
- Energy Economics
- Climate Policy
- Energy-Economic Modeling
- Development Economics
Selected Publications
[1] Wei YM, Wang L, Liao H, Wang K, Murty T, Yan J. Responsibility Accounting in Carbon Allocation: A Global Perspective. Applied Energy, 130: 122-133.
[2] Tang X, Liao H. 2015. Energy Poverty and Solid Fuels Use in Rural China: Analysis Based on National Population Census. Energy for Sustainable Development, doi: 10.1016/j.esd.2014.08.006
[3] Wang C, Liao H, Zhao LT, Wei YM. 2015. Biased Technical Change and Divisia Decomposition of the Changes in China’s Energy Intensity. Applied Energy. Forthcoming.
[4] Liao H, Xu Z, Wang C. Divisia Decomposition Method and Its Application to Changes of Net Oil import Intensity. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2014, 20(1), 72-78.
[5] Wang C, Lin J, Cai W, Liao H. China's carbon mitigation strategies: Enough? Energy Policy, 2014, 73, 47-56.
[6] Zhu ZS, Liao H, Cao HS, Wang L, Wei YM, Yan J. The differences of carbon intensity reduction rate across 89 countries in recent three decades. Applied Energy, 2014, 113(1): 808-815.
[7] Liao H, Cao HS. How Does Carbon Dioxide Emission Change with the Economic Development? Statistical Experiences from 132 Countries. Global Environmental Change, 2013, 23(5): 1073-1082.
[8] Liao H, Du J, Wei YM. Energy Conservation in China: Key Provincial Sectors at Two-digit Level. Applied Energy, 2013, 104(1): 457-465.
[9] Liao H, Wang C, Zhu ZS, Ma XW. Structural Decomposition Analysis on Energy Intensity Changes at Regional Level, Transactions of Tianjin University, 2013, 19(3), 287-292.
[10] Fan JL, Liao H, Liang QM, Tatano H, Liu CF, Wei YM. Residential Carbon Emission Evolutions in Urban–rural Divided China: An End-use and Behavior Analysis. Applied Energy, 2013, 101(1): 323-332.
[11] Wei YM, Shi X, Liao H. Introduction to the special issue of Energy Strategy Reviews on "East Asian Energy System Management Challenges". Energy Strategy Reviews, 2013, 2(2): 133-135.
[12] Liao H, Wei YM. Will the Aggregation Approach Affect Energy Efficiency Performance Assessment? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012, 16(7): 4537-4542.
[13] Liao H, Zhu ZS, Wang L. Impact of Removal of City Gas Subsidies on Chinese Urban Residents. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2012, 18(4): 309-314.
[14] Liao H, Wei YM. China's Energy Consumption: a Perspective from Divisia Aggregation Approach. Energy, 2010, 35(1): 28-34.
[15] Liao H, Fan Y, Wei YM. China Targets 20% Reduction in Energy Intensity by 2010. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2009, 31(1): 10-17.
[16] Liao H, Fan Y, Wei YM. What Induced China's Energy Intensity to Fluctuate: 1997-2006? Energy Policy, 2007, 35(9): 4640-4649.
[17] Wei YM, Liao H, Fan Y. An Empirical Analysis of Energy Efficiency in China's Iron and Steel Sector. Energy, 2007, 32(12): 2262-2270.
[18] Fan Y, Liao H, Wei YM. Can Market Oriented Economic Reforms Contribute to Energy Efficiency Improvement? Evidence from China. Energy Policy, 2007, 35(4): 2287-2295.
Research Projects
Selected Research Projects:
[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China, Energy Economics and Climate Policy. (Grant No. 71322306).
[2] Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China. (Grant No. NCET-13-0040).
[3] Program for Excellent Young Talents in Universities of Beijing. (Grant No. YETP1181).
[4] National Natural Science Foundation of China, Integrated Comparison Study on the International and Sectoral Carbon Emission Considering the Factor Endowments and Its Implications. (Grant No. 71273027)
[5] National Natural Science Foundation of China, Comparison Research on China’s Regional Low-carbon Development and Energy Efficiency. (Grant No. 71041006)
[6] National Natural Science Foundation of China, Energy Efficiency Indicators and Measurement Methodology from the Perspective of Structural Heterogeneity and Factor Sustainability. (Grant No. 70903066)
[7] Fundamental Research on Energy Supply Security and Energy Policies, National Science Foundation of China. (Grant No. 7073305)
[8] China-Australia Joint Climate Change Research: Energy Demand and Energy Mix at the Provincial Level.
[9] Office of the National Energy Leading Group: China’s National Energy Strategy Research I.
[10] Office of the National Energy Leading Group: China’s National Energy Strategy Research II.
[11] State Grid of China: China’s Energy Structure and Efficiency.
[12] China National Petroleum Corporation: China’s Mid-Long Term Natural Gas Demand Forecasting.
Prizes and Honors
- Guest Editor of Energy Strategy Review Special Issue on East Asia Energy Issues Energy Modelling (Elseveir)
- Guest Editor of Annals of Operations Research Special Issue on Energy (Springer)
- Guest Editor of Energy Strategy Reviews Special Issue on East Asia Energy Issues Energy Modeling (Elseveir)
- Member of Working Group of ERIA for Analysis of Energy Saving Potential in East Asia Region (ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia), 2010-2014.
- Membership, American Economic Association
- Membership, International Society of Ecological Economics (ISEE)
- Vice general secretary, Energy Economics and Management Section of Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economical Mathematics
- Council Standing Membership, Complexity System Section of Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economical Mathematics