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[China Science Daily] Professor Wei Yiming: "Internet +" Shortens Energy Run-in Period


  Imagine that in the near future, people are no longer met to discuss the weather and food, no longer the stock market and consumer prices, but how much electricity you used today, how much electricity traded, and how much profit. Many people will ask: "How this could be possible? The only chance we deal with electricity is to pay the electricity bill." However, the seemingly unthinkable is here now.
"the Opinion on Promoting the" Internet + "Intelligent Energy Development" (hereinafter referred to as "the Opinion") recently issued has put forward strategies for both energy supply side and the demand side on the intelligent energy development based on Internet. It emphasizes the traditional energy production, transmission, storage, consumption and energy markets should be integrated with the Internet in depth, and gradually form a new form of energy industry development and daily living.