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SME Holds the 20th CPC National Congress spirit learning activities

In order to  publicize and implement the 20th National Congress spirit, guide all the teachers and students to unite their thoughts and actions to the congress spirit,the School of Management and Economics party committee formulated in the first place “The School of Management and Economics 20th CPC National Congress spirit learning and implementation plan”.

First, the theory group held an expanded study meeting. On October 31,the entire members of the theory group and the teacher party branch secretaries attended the expanded study meeting.

Second, the party branches of teachers and students carried out concentrated learning and publicity activities. The School party committee conducted centralized propaganda and learning in the student Party branches through "leaders take the lead in learning" and "Party building experts guide the learning".

Third, a series of publicity activities were carried out by combining enlightenment of students joining the party and the training of student party members.

In the next stage, the School will do further job in the publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress, and transform the spirit into the working ideas, specific countermeasures and practical actions to promote the development of the School.