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School of Management Holds Mobilization and Deployment Meeting for Party Discipline Education

On the afternoon of April 26, the School of Management held a mobilization and deployment meeting for Party discipline education in Room 241 of the main building at the Zhongguancun campus. The meeting aimed to earnestly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and instructions on Party discipline education, mobilizing all Party members and cadres in the school to thoroughly engage in this educational endeavor. Attendees included members of the school’s leadership team, Party committee members, assistant deans, and all Party branch secretaries from the faculty and student bodies.

Yan Zhijun outlined three requirements for conducting Party discipline education in the school: 1. Enhance Political Standing:** Recognize Party discipline education as a critical political task, deepen understanding of the importance of strengthening Party discipline, and increase the enthusiasm and initiative for carrying out Party discipline education. 2. Accurately Grasp Objectives: Strengthen discipline awareness, enhance self-restraint, maintain loyalty, integrity, and responsibility, and effectively transform the outcomes of the educational efforts into motivation and concrete actions for promoting high-quality development in the school. 3. Strengthen Organizational Leadership:The school has established a working group for Party discipline education. The Party committee will use various methods to provide comprehensive and continuous guidance to all faculty and student Party branches, urging members to engage in personal study and guiding the organization of "three meetings and one lesson" and themed Party days.

Following the mobilization and deployment meeting, the School of Management’s Party committee launched the opening ceremony of the Party discipline education reading class and the expanded study session of the theoretical study group. Participants studied the "Regulations on Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China" chapter by chapter, linking the content to practical applications. Members of the school’s leadership team shared insights based on their respective responsibilities.