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1-14 Practical Application of PLS Structural Equation Modeling (Part II)

Title: Practical Application of PLS Structural Equation Modeling (Part II)

Speaker: Associate Prof.Dr.One-Ki Daniel Lee, University of Massachusetts Boston

Time: 1.14,2021 (Thursday) at 11:00 am-12:30 am

Location: Tencent Conference 944 176 921


SEM is a powerful method to investigate real-world phenomena in a statistical manner. But, to reflect the complicated real-world phenomena in a testable research model, the model easily becomes complex with more measurement modeling components, such as 2nd-order latent constructs, formative measurement loading, and their combination, and with more structural modeling components, such as multi-staged modeling using mediating paths, contextual or complementary factors, and their combinations (known as moderated-mediation or mediated-moderation). Hence, the complex SEM model requires more advanced approaches and techniques. Part II of this SEM seminar will focus on 1) how to incorporate these factors into a research model, 2) the right or best way to test the proposed model (both measurement and structural), and 3) how to interpret the results to develop right research implications. Like Part I, the SmartPLS tool will be used to illustrate the complex model test.

Speaker profile:

One-Ki Daniel Lee is an Associate Professor in the Management Science and Information Systems Department at the University of Massachusetts Boston. He received his Ph.D. from the City University of Hong Kong and his Master degree from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), South Korea. His research interests include organizational IT strategy and value, IT-enabled dynamic capabilities (e.g., agility and KM capability), global IT project risk management, and mobile platform & digital transformation. His research methods involve several advanced techniques in structural equation modeling (SEM), qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), and text mining. His research work has appeared in leading IS journals, including Information Systems Research, Information & Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Communications of the ACM, Communication of the AIS, and others.