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Professor Li Jian from Beijing University of Technology visits

  On June 14, 2019, Professor Li Jian from the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Technology was invited to visit and gave an academic report titled “The Principles of Blockchain Technology and Its Application in Supply Chain Financial Management”.Many Ph.D. and postgraduate students from the School of Management and Economics participated in the report.The report was hosted by Professor Yan Yanbing from the School of Management and Economics.Vice Dean Dong Peiwu and Associate Professor Wang Jiancai also participated in the report.

  In the report, Professor Li Jian gave an in-depth explanation on the origin of the blockchain, its development history, technical principles, and the typical application of the blockchain, especially in the supply chain finance.First of all, Professor Li Jian analyzed the origin, development history, blockchain type, blockchain characteristics and architecture model of blockchain. Secondly, from the aspects of distributed ledger, asymmetric encryption, consensus mechanism, intelligent contract, etc., he explained the core technology of the blockchain, and point out some research hotspots in the blockchain that are closely related to management and economy. Finally, Professor Li Jian from the current system and legal constraints, technical aspects, and competitive technologies, explained the challenges facing the blockchain.

  The report began at 8:30 am and continued until 11:30.After the meeting, Vice Dean Dong Peiwu, Associate Professor Wang Jiancai and several Ph.D. students conducted in-depth discussions and took a group photo with Professor Li Jian.

  Introduction to Professor Li Jian:

  Li Jian is a professor at the School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Technology, and director of the Blockchain Research Center of Beijing University of Technology.Research direction: logistics and supply chain management, safety and emergency management, blockchain technology and application.Selected as the 2012 New Century Excellent Talent of the Ministry of Education, 2018 Beijing Great Wall Scholar.He is also the Director General of the Safety Protection and Emergency Management Committee of the Chinese Academy of Command and Control, the Supervisor of the Supervisory Board of the China Society of Systems Engineering, and a part-time researcher of the Virtual Business Research Office of the Virtual Economics and Data Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.He has published more than 60 papers in mainstream journals such as Omega, IJPE, DSS, and ANOR, and published 2 monographs in English.Hosted 3 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.