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王建才,威廉希尔教授、博士生导师。博士就读于清华大学工业工程系,加入北京理工大学前任职香港大学商学院研究型助理教授。任中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会工业工程分会常务理事兼秘书长、中国运筹学会行为运筹与管理分会理事、中国物流与采购联合会采购与供应链专家委员。研究兴趣包括复杂系统建模、物流与供应链管理、机制设计等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,获得国家级教学成果二等奖1项。在EJOR、IJPR、IJPE、JORS、CIE、IEEE-TEM、ITOR、Information & Management等国际期刊上发表论文30余篇。



1999.05 ~ 2004.01 清华大学工业工程系,获得博士学位

1992.08 ~ 1999.03 东北大学机械工程学院,获得学士和硕士学位



2010.12 ~今威廉希尔,副教授,教授

2004.12 ~ 2010.11 香港大学商学院会计方向,先后担任高级研究助理、博士后(Post-Doctoral Fellow)和研究型助理教授(Research Assistant Professor)

2004.01 ~ 2004.11 香港城市大学管理科学系,担任高级研究助理(Senior Research Associate)








Journal papers

[1] Wang Jian-Cai, Wang YY*, Lai FJ (2019) Impact of power structure on supply chain performance and consumer surplus. International Transactions in Operational Research 26(5): 1752-1785.

[2] Wang Jian-Cai, Wang YY*, Che T (2019) Information sharing and the impact of shutdown policy in a supply chain with market disruption risk in the social media era. Information & Management 56(2): 280-293.

[3] Wang C, Wang ZH*, Ke RY, Wang Jian-Cai (2018) Integrated impact of the carbon quota constraints on enterprices within supply chain: Direct cost and inderict cost. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 92: 774-783.

[4] Wang Jian-Cai, Yang L, Wang YY*, Wang ZH (2018) Optimal pricing contracts and level of information asymmetry in a supply chain. International Transactions in Operational Research 25(5): 1583-1610.

[5] Wang YY, Hua ZS, Wang Jian-Cai*, Lai FJ (2017) Equilibrium analysis of markup pricing strategy under power imbalance and supply chain competition. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 64(4): 464-475.

[6] Wang YY, Tao F, Wang Jian-Cai* (2017) Designing optimal and practical volume discounting contracts for the dominant retailer with information asymmetry. International Transactions in Operational Research 24(6): 1405-1433.

[7] Gao J, Wang Jian-Cai* (2017) Is working capital management useful for financial analysts? Evidence from China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 53(5): 1135-1151.

[8] Wang Jian-Cai, Wang ZH, Wang YY*, Lai FJ (2017) Impacts of information reliability in a supply chain with market disruption risk. International Transactions in Operational Research 24(4): 737-761.

[9] Wang ZB, Wang YY*, Wang Jian-Cai (2016) Optimal distribution channel strategy for new and remanufactured products. Electronic Commerce Research 16(2): 269-295.

[10] Wang YY, Sun JS, Wang Jian-Cai* (2016) Equilibrium markup pricing strategies for the dominant retailers under supply chain to chain competition. International Journal of Production Research 54(7): 2075-2092.

[11] Wang ZH*, Lu ML, Wang Jian-Cai (2014) Direct rebound effect on urban residential eletricity use: An empirical study in China. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 30: 124-132.

[12] Wang YY, Wang Jian-Cai, Shou BY* (2013) Pricing and effort investment for a newsvendor-type product. European Journal of Operational Research 229(2): 422-432.

[13] Wang Jian-Cai, Lau AHL*, Lau HS (2013) Dollar vs. percentage markup pricing schemes under a dominant retailer. European Journal of Operational Research 227(3): 471-482. (Authors contributed equally)

[14] Wang Jian-Cai, Wang AM, Wang YY* (2013) Markup pricing strategies between a dominant retailer and competitive manufacturers. Computers & Industrial Engineering 64(1): 235-246.

[15] Wang YY, Lau HS, Wang Jian-Cai* (2012) Defending and improving the “slotting fee”: How it can benefit all the stakeholders dealing with a newsvendor product with price and effort-dependent demand. Journal of the Operaional Research Society 63(12): 1731-1751.

[16] Wang Jian-Cai, Lau HS, Lau AHL* (2012) Practical and effective contracts for the dominant retailer of a newsvendor product with price-sensitive demand. International Journal of Production Economics 138(1): 46-54. (Authors contributed equally)

[17] Lau AHL, Lau HS*, Wang Jian-Cai (2010) Usefulness of resale price maintenance under different levels of sales-effort cost and system-parameter uncertainties. European Journal of Operational Research 203(2): 513-525. (Authors contributed equally)

[18] Wang Jian-Cai, Lau HS, Lau AHL* (2009) When should a manufacturer share truthful manufacturing cost information with a dominant retailer? European Journal of Operational Research 197(1): 266-286. (Authors contributed equally)

[19] Wang Jian-Cai, Lau HS, Lau AHL* (2008) How a retailer should manipulate a dominant manufacturer’s perception of market and cost parameters. International Journal of Production Economics 116(1): 43-60. (Authors contributed equally)

[20] Lau AHL, Lau HS*, Wang Jian-Cai (2008) How a dominant retailer might design a purchase contract for a newsvendor-type product with price-sensitive demand. European Journal of Operational Research 190(2): 443-458. (Authors contributed equally)

[21] Lau AHL, Lau HS*, Wang Jian-Cai (2007) Pricing and volume discounting for a dominant retailer with uncertain manufacturing cost information. European Journal of Operational Research 183(2): 848-870. (Authors contributed equally)

[22] Lau AHL, Lau HS*, Wang Jian-Cai (2007) Designing a quantity discount scheme for a newsvendor-type product with numerous heterogeneous retailers. European Journal of Operational Research 182(2): 585-600. (Authors contributed equally)

[23] Lau AHL, Lau HS*, Wang Jian-Cai (2007) Some properties of buyback and other related schemes in a newsvendor-product supply chain with price-sensitive demand. Journal of the Operational Research Society 58(4): 491-504. (All the authors contributed equally to this work)

[24] Zhao XB*, Gong QG, Wang Jian-Cai (2003) Generally configured supply chain with flexible local control strategies. International Journal of Production Research 41(12): 2817-2838.

[25] Zhao XB*, Gong QG, Wang Jian-Cai (2002) On control strategies in a multi-stage production system. International Journal of Production Research 40(5): 1155-1171.

[26] Zhao XB*, Wang Jian-Cai, Luo ZB (2001) A stochastic model of a reconfigurable manufacturing system Part 4: Performance measure. International Journal of Production Research 39(6): 1113-1126.

[27] Zhao XB*, Wang Jian-Cai, Luo ZB (2001) A stochastic model of a reconfigurable manufacturing system Part 3: Optimal selection policy. International Journal of Production Research 39(4): 747-758.

[28] Zhao XB*, Wang Jian-Cai, Luo ZB (2000) A stochastic model of a reconfigurable manufacturing system Part 2: Optimal configurations. International Journal of Production Research 38(12): 2829-2842.

[29] Zhao XB*, Wang Jian-Cai, Luo ZB (2000) A stochastic model of a reconfigurable manufacturing system Part 1: A framework. International Journal of Production Research 38(10): 2273-2285.

Book Chapters

[1] Wang Jian-Cai, Lau HS, Lau AHL* (2011) Should a Stackelberg-dominated supply-chain player help her dominant opponent to obtain better system-parameter knowledge? In Tsan-Ming Choi and TC Edwin Cheng (editors) Handbook on Innovative Schemes for Supply Chain Coordination under Uncertainty Part 3, 379-401.

Conference papers

[1] Wang Jian-Cai, Wang YY*. Information sharing and the impacts of shutdown policy in a supply chain with market disruption risk. International Conference on Internet+, Big Data and Business Innovation. July 8-9, 2017, Beijing, China. (Best Paper)

[2] Wang Jian-Cai*, Fu Y, Min YQ, Zhu B. The financial and operational performances after horizontal M&A: Empirical analysis.The 14th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, June 16-18, 2017, Dalian, China.

[3] Min YQ*, Wang Jian-Cai, Ma J. Manufaturer investment in cost reductionand suppplier information sharing. The 13th International Conference onService Systems and Service Management, June 24-26, 2016, Kunming, China.

[4] Wang Jian-Cai*, Wang YY. Impact of power structure on supply chain performance and consumer surplus. The 27th European Conference on Operational Research, July 12-15, 2015, Glasgow, UK.





国家自然科学基金重点项目,71432002,医疗与健康的数据分析与决策, 2015/01-2019/12,参加




北京理工大学基础研究基金,零售商主导下的供应链合约设计及其评价问题研究, 2013/01-2013/12,主持










