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【明理讲堂2024年第3期】1-12美国康涅狄格大学助理教授Ryan Coles:Size Matters: The Moderating Impact of Firm Size on Formalization and Performance for New Firms

报告题目: Size Matters: The Moderating Impact of Firm Size on Formalization and Performance for New Firms

报告人:Ryan Coles,美国康涅狄格大学助理教授





Prior research on formalized organizational structure and entrepreneurship argues that new firms with formal structure perform better than new firms with less formal structure in dynamic contexts. However, research on teams finds that formal structure leads to poor performance when teams are small, suggesting that the benefits of formal structure for new firms operating in a dynamic environment is contingent on the size of the new firm. In this paper, we examine the moderating effect of firm size on the formalization–new firm performance relationship using a randomized controlled experiment with a sample of 393 new firms founded in Peru during a period of high market dynamism. In contrast to past research on formalization and entrepreneurship in dynamic contexts, we find that small new firms with less formal structure perform better than small new firms with more formal structure.


Ryan Coles,美国康涅狄格大学(UConn)商学院管理与创业系助理教授,以及康涅狄格大学商学院Daigle实验室创始人和首席科学家,该实验室是首个致力于人工智能和组织研究的大学研究实验室。Ryan于美国康奈尔大学(Cornell U)获得管理学博士,研究兴趣包括创业、技术商业化、初创企业国际化、制度理论、不平等与分层、新兴市场与技术、机器学习与人工智能等。其研究以其理论创新和方法严谨而著称,已于Organization Science和Management Decision等高水平期刊发表多篇文章。研究成果多次被国际学术会议邀请做报告,比如美国管理学会年会(AOM)、战略管理学会(SMS)和INSEAD创业会议等,连续两年获得美国管理学会年会最佳论文(2022/2023)。此外,Ryan一直探索创业精神的社会基础,与实验室成员提出“统一制度主义”(Unified Institutionalism),被著名社会学家霍华德·艾尔德里奇称为“理论上的奇迹”。Ryan还积极推动研究成果商业化,2023年前三季度,Daigle实验室团队共启动了八个初创项目,总计估值变化高达26.3亿美元。