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【明理讲堂2023年第10期】3-23英国约克大学Jeff Jia 教授 :The impact of governmental COVID-19 measures on manufacturers’ stock market valuations: the role of la

报告人:Jeff Jia 教授英国约克大学




This study investigates the impact of the Chinese government’s Level I emergency response policy on manufacturers’ stock market values. We empirically examine the roles of human resource dependence (labor intensity) and operational slack within the context of supply chain resilience. Through an event study of 1,357 Chinese manufacturing companies, we find that the government’s emergency response policy triggered statistically significant positive abnormal returns for manufacturers. However, we also find that there exists a negative impact on abnormal returns for manufacturers that are labor-intensive, giving rise to arguments based in resource dependence theory. In addition, the results indicate the positive role played by operational slack (e.g., financial and inventory slack) in helping manufacturers maintain operations and business continuity, effectively mitigating risks and adding to the manufacturers’ resilience. With these findings, we contribute to operations and supply chain management by calling attention to the importance of human resource redundancy while at the same time identifying financial slack and inventory as supply chain resilience strategies that were able to mitigate pandemic-related risks.


Jeff Jia,英国约克大学(世界排名第150名)管理学院供应链管理首席教授(Chair Professor)、欧洲运营管理学会执委会执行委员。在UTD24、ABS4、ABS3等高级别国际期刊上发表论文100余篇(其中第一作者或通讯作者论文72篇),他引总数达到5300余次,H-指数40,3篇第一作者论文入选ESI高被引论文,并撰写英文专著6篇。主持国际和国内科研项目17项,包含世界自然基金会项目、英国自然科学基金、牛顿基金、国家社会科学基金一般项目、教育部人文社科研究项目等。获得包括国际管理学会年会 (AOM) 运营与管理类最佳论文第二名等科研类奖项8项。
